
 萬盛學電腦網 >> 服務器教程 >> 通過Linux系統將Windows系統遷移到到新的磁盤上


   1. 概述

  這篇文章將告訴你如何再 linux 系統下,將 安裝好的windows版本 復制到新的磁盤上(新的磁盤大於等於window鏡像大小)

  2. 使用到的工具

  livecd 工具,可以是CD 也可以是USB啟動的 ,需要有的工具 dd, fdisk, and ntfsresize.


  /dev/sdc (新硬盤)

  /dev/sdb (老硬盤,安裝好的window版本數據在 /dev/sdb1 分區中)

  = 格式化新盤(/dev/sdc) =

  使用root 用戶,進行如下分區操作


  [root@centos6 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdc

  WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to

  switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to

  sectors (command 'u').

  Command (m for help): n

  Command action

  e extended

  p primary partition (1-4)


  Partition number (1-4): 1

  First cylinder (1-2088, default 1):

  Using default value 1

  Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-2088, default 2088):

  Using default value 2088

  Command (m for help): p

  Disk /dev/sdc: 17.2 GB, 17179869184 bytes

  255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2088 cylinders

  Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

  Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

  I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

  Disk identifier: 0xa1c3a1c3

  Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

  /dev/sdc1 1 2088 16771828+ 83 Linux

  在完成之前,我們必須設置啟動標志和分區系統ID,分區系統ID必須是WINDOWS的,ID值為 7.


  Command (m for help): A

  Partition number (1-4): 1

  Command (m for help): t

  Selected partition 1

  Hex code (type L to list codes): 7

  Changed system type of partition 1 to 7 (HPFS/NTFS)

  Command (m for help): p

  Disk /dev/sdc: 17.2 GB, 17179869184 bytes

  255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2088 cylinders

  Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

  Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

  I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

  Disk identifier: 0xa1c3a1c3

  Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

  /dev/sdc1 * 1 2088 16771828+ 7 HPFS/NTFS

  Command (m for help): w

  The partition table has been altered!

  Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

  Syncing disks.

  = 復制MBR =

  為了讓新盤能夠引導, 我們必須從Master Boot Record (MBR) 復制引導代碼到新的磁盤上

  MBR 在磁盤的第一個扇區,由3部分組成:


  Boot Code (446 bytes)

  Partition Table (64 bytes)

  Boot Code Signature = 55aa (2 bytes)

  我們只需要復制引導代碼,起始的 446 bytes. 使用dd工具來復制:


  # dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc bs=446 count=1

  1+0 records in

  1+0 records out

  446 bytes transferred in 0.026312 seconds (16950 bytes/sec)

  = 復制分區 =

  下一步任務就是將文件系統從一個盤復制到另一個盤上.在這裡我們使用 ntfsclone 工具來復制 NTFS 文件系統


  [root@centos6 ~]# ntfsclone --overwrite /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1

< p> ntfsclone v2013.1.13 (libntfs-3g)


  NTFS volume version: 3.1

  Cluster size : 4096 bytes

  Current volume size: 10725732352 bytes (10726 MB)

  Current device size: 10725732864 bytes (10726 MB)

  Scanning volume ...

  100.00 percent completed

  Accounting clusters ...

  Space in use : 7565 MB (70.5%)

  Cloning NTFS ...

  100.00 percent completed

  Syncing ...

  如果在源盤上有壞的扇區,則需要添加 --rescue 選項


  # ntfsclone --rescue --overwrite /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1

  注意: 源盤 是 最後一個參數(/dev/sdb1)

  3. 改變分區大小

  在新盤比源盤大的情況下,我們需要改變分區大小來使用所有空間,這裡我們使用 ntfsresize 命令


  [root@centos6 ~]# ntfsresize /dev/sdc1

< p> ntfsresize v2013.1.13 (libntfs-3g)


  Device name : /dev/sdc1

  NTFS volume version: 3.1

  Cluster size : 4096 bytes

  Current volume size: 10725732864 bytes (10726 MB)

  Current device size: 17174352384 bytes (17175 MB)

  New volume size : 17174348288 bytes (17175 MB)

  Checking filesystem consistency ...

  100.00 percent completed

  Accounting clusters ...

  Space in use : 7565 MB (70.5%)

  Collecting resizing constraints ...

  WARNING: Every sanity check passed and only the dangerous operations left.

  Make sure that important data has been backed up! Power outage or computer

  crash may result major data loss!

  Are you sure you want to proceed (y/[n])? y

  Schedule chkdsk for NTFS consistency check at Windows boot time ...

  Resetting $LogFile ... (this might take a while)

  Updating $BadClust file ...

  Updating $Bitmap file ...

  Updating Boot record ...

  Syncing device ...

  Successfully resized NTFS on device '/dev/sdc1'.

  4. 使用新盤重新啟動系統

  重新啟動後,windows 會自動檢查文件系統如下(因為分區大小有所變化),檢查完成後自動重起就能進入windows系統了

20151130115326248.png (499×333)

  5. 總結

  當然這種方式的拷貝是在同一台服務器上操作的(驅動無變化),如果將一個干淨的windows裸系統通過這種方式安裝到不同型號的服務器上時, 就會出現驅動問題,如何解決,請看下回分解!

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