
 萬盛學電腦網 >> 數據庫 >> mysql教程 >> mysql刪除重復數據記錄sql語句總結




 代碼如下 復制代碼 //刪除id重復的數據,適合id是手工主鍵
delete person as a from person as a,
    select *,min(id) from person group by id having count(1) > 1
) as b
where a.id = b.id


 代碼如下 復制代碼 delete tb_person as a from tb_person as a,
select *,min(id) from tb_person  group by name having count(1) > 1
) as b
 where a.name = b.name and a.id > b.id;


1. 查詢需要刪除的記錄,會保留一條記錄。

 代碼如下 復制代碼

select a.id,a.subject,a.RECEIVER from test1 a left join (select c.subject,c.RECEIVER ,max(c.id) as  bid from test1 c where status=0 GROUP BY RECEIVER,SUBJECT having count(1) >1) b on a.id< b.bid where  a.subject=b.subject and a.RECEIVER = b.RECEIVER and a.id < b.bid

2. 刪除重復記錄,只保留一條記錄。注意,subject,RECEIVER 要索引,否則會很慢的。

 代碼如下 復制代碼

delete a from test1 a, (select c.subject,c.RECEIVER ,max(c.id) as  bid from test1 c where status=0 GROUP BY RECEIVER,SUBJECT having count(1) >1) b where a.subject=b.subject and a.RECEIVER = b.RECEIVER and a.id < b.bid;

3. 查找表中多余的重復記錄,重復記錄是根據單個字段(peopleId)來判斷

 代碼如下 復制代碼

select * from people
where peopleId in (select  peopleId  from  people  group  by  peopleId  having  count(peopleId) > 1)

4. 刪除表中多余的重復記錄,重復記錄是根據單個字段(peopleId)來判斷,只留有rowid最小的記錄

 代碼如下 復制代碼

delete from people
where peopleId  in (select  peopleId  from people  group  by  peopleId   having  count(peopleId) > 1)
and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from  people  group by peopleId  having count(peopleId )>1)


 代碼如下 復制代碼 delete from vitae a
where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in  (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1)
and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)



 代碼如下 復制代碼

drop table t_user;
create table t_user(
id        int(5) not null auto_increment,
username varchar(10),
age       int(3),
primary key(id)

insert into t_user(username,age) values('aaa',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('aaa',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('bbb',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('bbb',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('ccc',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('ccc',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('ddd',20);
insert into t_user(username,age) values('ddd',20);

mysql> select * from t_user;
| id | username | age |
| 1 | aaa      |   20 |
| 2 | aaa      |   20 |
| 3 | bbb      |   20 |
| 4 | bbb      |   20 |
| 5 | ccc      |   20 |
| 6 | ccc      |   20 |
| 7 | ddd      |   20 |
| 8 | ddd      |   20 |

mysql> delete t_user from t_user , (select id from t_user group by username having count(*)>1 ) as t2 where t_user.id=t2.id;
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> select * from t_user;
| id | username | age |
| 2 | aaa      |   20 |
| 4 | bbb      |   20 |
| 6 | ccc      |   20 |
| 8 | ddd      |   20 |

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