1. 使用 mail() 函數 沒什麼好講的,就是使用系統自帶的smtp系統來發送,一般是使用sendmail來發。這個按照各個系統不同而定。使用參考手冊。 2. 使用管道的形式 昨天剛測試成功,使用本地的qmail來發送郵件。 代碼如下: /* 使用qmail發送郵件函數 */ function send_check_mail($email, $subject,$uid,$buffer) { $command = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject ".$email; //qmail程式地址,$email是要發送的地址 $handle = popen($command, "w"); //打開管道 http://www.cnblogs.com/roucheng/ if (!$handle) { return false; } $from = "webmaster@unixsky.net"; //發件人 fwrite($handle, "From: ".$from."\n"); //往管道寫數據 fwrite($handle, "Return-Path: ".$from."\n"); fwrite($handle, "To: ".$uid."\n"); fwrite($handle, "Subject: ".$subject."\n"); fwrite($handle, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"); fwrite($handle, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"gb2312\"\n\n"); fwrite($handle, $buffer."\n"); pclose($handle); //關閉管道 return true; } ------------------測試發送郵件: //發送郵件 $subject = "測試郵件"; $uid = $_POST['uid']; //from信息 $content = "<html><body>".$u_email ." 你好!<br><br>謝謝,本郵件測試!<br</body></html>"; //內容信息 $u_email = "hren@yahoo.com.cn"; //發送到的郵箱 if (send_check_mail($u_email, $subject, $uid, $content)) { echo "恭喜!發送投票郵件到你的郵箱!<br><br>請檢查你的郵箱:<font color=#CC0033>".$u_email." </font><br><br>". $close; } else { echo "非常不幸,發送投票郵件到你的郵箱失敗,請重試或聯系研發人員。<br><br>". $close; } 當然,也能使用相同的方法來處理sendmail的進程來發送郵件。 下面代碼示例: 代碼如下: <?php $pp = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t", "w") or die("Cannot fork sendmail"); fputs($pp, "To: sterling@designmultimedia.com\r\n"); fputs($pp, "Reply-to: $senders_email\r\n"); fputs($pp, "From: $senders_email\r\n"); fputs($pp, "Subject The Results of your form\r\n\r\n"); fputs($pp, "$senders_email sent the fllowing comments:\r\n"); fputs($pp, $comments); pclose($pp) or die("Cannot close pipe to sendmail"); ?> 其實這種管道的方法比較底層,取決於你所調用程式的穩定性。所以是一種可選的發送郵件的方式。 3. 使用phpmailer類 是個開源的發送郵件類,主站:http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net 裡面是兩個文件,一個是class.smtp.php,更有以個是class.phpmailer.php 另外加上官方網站的使用方法: Examples using phpmailer 1. Advanced ExampleThis demonstrates sending out multiple email messages with binary attachments from a MySQL database with multipart/alternative support. 代碼如下: require("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->From = "list@example.com"; $mail->FromName = "List manager"; $mail->Host = "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"; $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; @MYSQL_CONNECT("localhost","root","password"); @mysql_select_db("my_company"); $query?=?SELECT full_name, email,?hoto?ROM employee?HERE?d=$id"; $result??MYSQL_QUERY($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) { // HTML body $body = "Hello <font size=\"4\">" . $row["full_name"] . "</font>, <p>"; $body .= "<i>Your</i> personal photograph to this message.<p>"; $body .= "Sincerely, <br>"; $body .= "phpmailer List manager"; // Plain text body (for mail clients that cannot read HTML) $text_body = "Hello " . $row["full_name"] . ", \n\n"; $text_body .= "Your personal photograph to this message.\n\n"; $text_body .= "Sincerely, \n"; $text_body .= "phpmailer List manager"; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->AltBody = $text_body; $mail->AddAddress($row["email"], $row["full_name"]); $mail->AddStringAttachment($row["photo"], "YourPhoto.jpg"); if(!$mail->Send()) echo "There has been a mail error sending to " . $row["email"] . "<br>"; // Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop $mail->ClearAddresses(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); } 2. Extending phpmailerExtending classes with inheritance is one of the most powerful features of object-oriented programming. It allows you to make changes to the original class for your own personal use without hacking the original classes. Plus, it is very easy to do. I've provided an example: Here's a class that extends the phpmailer class and sets the defaults for the particular site: PHP include file: mail.inc.php 代碼如下: require("class.phpmailer.php"); 代碼如下: class my_phpmailer extends phpmailer { // Set default variables for all new objects var $From = "from@example.com"; var $FromName = "Mailer"; var $Host = "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"; var $Mailer = "smtp"; // Alternative to IsSMTP() var $WordWrap = 75; // Replace the default error_handler function error_handler($msg) { print("My Site Error"); print("Description:"); printf("%s", $msg); exit; } // Create an additional function function do_something($something) { // Place your new code here } } Now here's a normal PHP page in the site, which will have all the defaults set above: Normal PHP file: mail_test.php 代碼如下: require("mail.inc.php"); // Instantiate your new class $mail = new my_phpmailer; // Now you only need to add the necessa