
 萬盛學電腦網 >> 網絡編程 >> php編程 >> php中獲取所在全局變量方法


$globals --- 保存所有全局變量(只在當前頁面中的) get_defined_vars() --- 返回由所有已定義變量所組成的數組(包括全局變量,超全局變量等) get_defined_constants() --- 返回由所有已定義常量所組成的數組

function cleanglobal($global_array, $arg, $specialchars = true, $default = null) {
if(key_exists($arg, $global_array) && $global_array[$arg] != null && $global_array[$arg] != "") {
if($specialchars) {
return htmlspecialchars($global_array[$arg]);
} else {
return $global_array[$arg];
} else {
return $default;

table of contents
superglobals — superglobals are built-in variables that are always available in all scopes
$globals — references all variables available in global scope
$_server — server and execution environment information
$_get — http get variables
$_post — http post variables
$_files — http file upload variables
$_request — http request variables
$_session — session variables
$_env — environment variables
$_cookie — http cookies
$php教程_errormsg — the previous error message
$http_raw_post_data — raw post data
$http_response_header — http response headers
$argc — the number of arguments passed to script
$argv — array of arguments passed to script


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