例子一: 這幾天被一個問題困擾著。Nodejs的AES加密和Java,C#加密出來的不一致。當然,這樣就不能解密了。糾結了許久:後來還是實在不行了,看了下源代碼,要不然還得繼續糾結下去。網上說,通常的nodejs AES和其他語言實現不一樣。好吧~~或許吧。 nodejs的crypto模塊。 代碼如下: var crypto = require('crypto'); var data = "156156165152165156156"; console.log('Original cleartext: ' + data); var algorithm = 'aes-128-ecb'; var key = '78541561566'; var clearEncoding = 'utf8'; //var cipherEncoding = 'hex'; //If the next line is uncommented, the final cleartext is wrong. var cipherEncoding = 'base64'; /*加密*/ var cipher = crypto.createCipher(algorithm, key); var cipherChunks = []; cipherChunks.push(cipher.update(data, clearEncoding, cipherEncoding)); cipherChunks.push(cipher.final(cipherEncoding)); console.log(cipherEncoding + ' ciphertext: ' + cipherChunks.join('')); /*解密*/ var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(algorithm, key); var plainChunks = []; for (var i = 0;i < cipherChunks.length;i++) { plainChunks.push(decipher.update(cipherChunks[i], cipherEncoding, clearEncoding)); } plainChunks.push(decipher.final(clearEncoding)); console.log("UTF8 plaintext deciphered: " + plainChunks.join('')); 的確,沒錯~~加密解密成功。但是和java,C#中加密出來的不一樣啊。神啊。我想,大家都在這裡糾結著吧~~對不對。其實只要加個向量,就可以和一致了。網上搜索出來的資源太少。才讓自己糾結那麼久。好吧,正確代碼是: 代碼如下: var crypto = require('crypto'); var data = "156156165152165156156"; console.log('Original cleartext: ' + data); var algorithm = 'aes-128-ecb'; var key = '78541561566'; var clearEncoding = 'utf8'; var iv = ""; //var cipherEncoding = 'hex'; //If the next line is uncommented, the final cleartext is wrong. var cipherEncoding = 'base64'; var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key,iv); var cipherChunks = []; cipherChunks.push(cipher.update(data, clearEncoding, cipherEncoding)); cipherChunks.push(cipher.final(cipherEncoding)); console.log(cipherEncoding + ' ciphertext: ' + cipherChunks.join('')); var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key,iv); var plainChunks = []; for (var i = 0;i < cipherChunks.length;i++) { plainChunks.push(decipher.update(cipherChunks[i], cipherEncoding, clearEncoding)); } plainChunks.push(decipher.final(clearEncoding)); console.log("UTF8 plaintext deciphered: " + plainChunks.join('')); 對比發現,加密出來是一致的。好吧,結貼~~~我恨你,浪費了我一天時間。 例子二: 工作中遇到nodejs端通過aes加密,安卓客戶端java解密,同意nodejs也需要解密安卓客戶端加密過來的內容,發現兩個加密結果不一樣,查詢資料發現java端需要對密鑰za再MD5加密一遍,以下是aes ecb加密的內容,如果是cbc也同樣需要對秘鑰MD5加密: nodejs: 代碼如下: /** * aes加密 * @param data * @param secretKey */ encryptUtils.aesEncrypt = function(data, secretKey) { var cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-128-ecb',secretKey); return cipher.update(data,'utf8','hex') + cipher.final('hex'); } /** * aes解密 * @param data * @param secretKey * @returns {*} */ encryptUtils.aesDecrypt = function(data, secretKey) { var cipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes-128-ecb',secretKey); return cipher.update(data,'hex','utf8') + cipher.final('utf8'); } java: 代碼如下: package com.iofamily.util; import java.security.MessageDigest; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * AES加密,與Nodejs 保持一致 * @author lmiky * @date 2014-2-25 */ public class AESForNodejs { public static final String DEFAULT_CODING = "utf-8"; /** * 解密 * @author lmiky * @date 2014-2-25 * @param encrypted * @param seed * @return * @throws Exception */ private static String decrypt(String encrypted, String seed) throws Exception { byte[] keyb = seed.getBytes(DEFAULT_CODING); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] thedigest = md.digest(keyb); SecretKeySpec skey = new SecretKeySpec(thedigest, "AES"); Cipher dcipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skey); byte[] clearbyte = dcipher.doFinal(toByte(encrypted)); return new String(clearbyte); } /** * 加密 * @author lmiky * @date 2014-2-25 * @param content * @param key * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String encrypt(String content, String key) throws Exception { byte[] input = content.getBytes(DEFAULT_CODING); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] thedigest = md.digest(key.getBytes(DEFAULT_CODING)); SecretKeySpec skc = new SecretKeySpec(thedigest, "AES"); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skc); byte[] cipherText = new byte[cipher.getOutputSize(input.length)]; int ctLength = cipher.update(input, 0, input.length, cipherText, 0); ctLength += cipher.doFinal(cipherText, ctLength); return parseByte2HexStr(cipherText); } /** * 字符串轉字節數組 * @author lmiky * @date 2014-2-25 * @param hexString * @return */ private static byte[] toByte(String hexString) { int len = hexString.length() / 2; byte[] result = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {