
 萬盛學電腦網 >> 網頁制作 >> Html5 >> html語言標簽實例



頁面結構(Document Structures<head>...</head> <body>...</body> <HTML> <HEAD> <title>, <base>, <link>, <isindex>, <meta> </HEAD> <BODY> HTML 文件的正文寫在這裡... ... </BODY> </HTML> 語言字符集(Charsets)的信息 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=#"> #= us-ascii, iso-8859-1, x-mac-roman, iso-8859-2, x-mac-ce, iso-2022-jp, x-sjis, x-euc-jp, euc-kr, iso-2022-kr, gb2312, gb_2312-80, x-euc-tw, x-cns11643-1, x-cns11643-2, big5 可在HTML 文件中設置 字符集信息。 您在浏覽主頁時,最好自己在浏覽器的選項菜單內選擇相應的語言(language encoding)。 但是如果 HTML 文件裡寫明了設置,浏覽器就會自動設置語言選項。 尤其是主頁裡用到了字符實體(entities),則該主頁就應該寫明字符集信息。 否則,您在浏覽該主頁時,若未正確設置語言選項,顯示將可能混亂。 背景色彩和文字色彩 <body bgcolor=# text=# link=# alink=# vlink=#> bgcolor --- 背景色彩 text --- 非可鏈接文字的色彩 link --- 可鏈接文字的色彩 alink --- 正被點擊的可鏈接文字的色彩 vlink --- 已經點擊(訪問)過的可鏈接文字的色彩 #=rrggbb 色彩是用 16 進制的 紅-綠-藍(red-green-blue,) 值來表示。 16 進制的數碼有: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f. 背景圖象 <body background="image-"> Non Scrolling Background <body bgproperties=> 頁面空白(Margin) 頁面左邊的空白 <body leftmargin=#> 頁面上方的空白(天頭) <body topmargin=#> #=margin amount 鏈接(Link) 基本語法 <a href="> ... </a> 這是一個 <a href="samp/link.html">鏈接的例子</a>。 點一下帶下劃線的文字! 這是一個鏈接的例子。點一下帶下劃線的文字! 跳轉到頁面的另外一個地方 <a href="#name"> ... </a> <a name="name"> ... </a> <a href="#jump-test">跳轉到下一個"鏈接點"</a><P> <a name="jump-test">下一個鏈接點</a> 跳轉到下一個"鏈接點" 下一個鏈接點 跳轉到另一個頁面的某個地方 <a href="L#name"> ... </a> <a name="name"> ... </a> 跳轉到另一個頁面的<a href="samp/link.html#jump-test">某個地方</a>。 跳轉到另一個頁面的某個地方。 開一個新的(浏覽器)窗口 (Target Window) <a href="URL" target="Window_Name"> ... </a> <a href="samp/window.html" target="window_name"> 開一個新窗口! </a> 開一個新窗口! 標尺線 <hr> <hr> <hr size=#> <hr size=10> <hr width=#> <hr width=50> <hr width=50%> <hr align=#> #=left, right <hr width=50% align=left> <hr width=50% align=right> <hr noshade> <hr noshade> <hr color=#> #=rrggbb 16 進制 數碼,或者是下列預定義色彩: Black, Olive, Teal, Red, Blue, Maroon, Navy, Gray, Lime, Fuchsia, White, Green, Purple, Silver, , Aqua <hr color="red"> 文字布局標記 --------------------------------------------------- 行的控制 段(Paragraph) (可以看作是空行) <p> 你好嗎?<p>很好。 你好嗎? 很好。 換行<br> 你好嗎?<br>很好。 你好嗎? 很好。 不換行<nobr> <nobr> 請改變您浏覽器窗口的寬度, 使之小於這一行的寬度, 看看這個標記的作用! </nobr> 請改變您浏覽器窗口的寬度,使之小於這一行的寬度,看看這個標記的作用! 文字的對齊(Alignment) <hn align=#>...</hn> <p align=#>...</p> #=left, center, right <align=center>Hello<> < align=right>Hello<\h3> Hello Hello <center>...</center> <center>Hello</center> Hello 文字的分區(Division)顯示 <div align=left> ... </div> <div align=left> Can you feel happiness without unpleasant? <br> Please show me your smile. </div> Can you feel happiness without unpleasant? Please show me your smile. <div align=center> ... </div> Can you feel happiness without unpleasant? Please show me your smile. <div align=right> ... </div> Can you feel happiness without unpleasant? Please show me your smile. 列表 無序列表 <ul><li>...</ul> <ul> <li>Today <li>Tommorow </ul> Today Tommorow 有序列表 <ol><li>...</ol> <ol> <li>Today <li>Tommorow </ol> 1. Today 2. Tommorow 定義列表(Definition lists) <l><dt>...<dd>...</> <> <dt>Today <dd>Today is yesterday. <dt>Tomorrow <dd>Tomorrow is today. </dl> Today Today is yesterday. Tomorrow Tomorrow is today. Definition lists Compact <dl compact><dt>...<dd>...</dl> Today Today will be yesterday. Next Tomorrow will be today. Today Today is yesterday. Tomorrow Tomorrow is today. 定制列表元素 定制表中的標記 <li type=#> #=disk, circle, square <ul> <li type=disc>ONE <li type=circle>TWO <li type=square>THREE </ul> ONE TWO THREE 定制有序列表表中的序號 <li type=#> #=A, a, I, i, 1 <ol><li type=A>ONE-ONE <li>ONE-TWO</ol> A. ONE-ONE B. ONE-TWO <ol><li type=a>ONE-ONE <li>ONE-TWO</ol> a. ONE-ONE b. ONE-TWO <ol><li type=I>ONE-ONE <li>ONE-TWO</ol> I. ONE-ONE II. ONE-TWO <ol><li type=i>ONE-ONE <li>ONE-TWO</ol> i. ONE-ONE ii. ONE-TWO <ol><li type=1>ONE-ONE <li>ONE-TWO</ol> 1. ONE-ONE 2. ONE-TWO 定制有序列表表中的序號的起始值 <ol start=#> #=number <ol start=5> <li type=A>ONE-ONE <li>ONE-TWO <ol start=10> <li>TWO-ONE <li type=i>TWO-TWO </ol></ol> E. ONE-ONE F. ONE-TWO 10. TWO-ONE x. TWO-TWO 預格式化文本(Preformatted Text) <pre>...</pre> <pre> Please use your card. VISA Master <b>Here is an order form.</b> <ul><li>Fax <li>Air Mail</ul> </pre> Please use your card VISA Master Here is an order form. Fax Air Mail <listing>...</listing> <listing> Please use your card. VISA Master <b>Here is an order form.</b> <ul><li>Fax <li>Air Mail</ul> </listing> Please use your card. VISA Master Here is order form. Fax Air Mail <xmp>...</xmp> <xmp> Please use your card. VISA Master <b>Here is an order form.</b> <ul><li>Fax <li>Air Mail</ul> </xmp> Please use your card. VISA Master <b>Here is order form.</b> <ul><li>Fax <li>Air Mail</ul> 空白(Spacer) <spacer type="horizontal" size=#> #= 水平空白寬度 <spacer type="vertical" size=#> #=豎直空白高度 YESTERDAY <spacer type="horizontal" size=50> TODAY <spacer type="vertical" size=50> TOMORROW YESTERDAY TODAY TOMORROW <spacer type="block" width=# height=# align=##> #=空白的尺寸 ##=top, middle, bottom, left, right <spacer type="block" width=150 height=50 align=left> YESTERDAY<br> TODAY<br> TOMORROW YESTERDAY TODAY TOMORROW 多列文本 <multicol cols=#> ... </multicol> #=列的數目 <multicol cols=2> text text text... </multicol> 例子 <multicol gutter=#> ... </multicol> #=列間的空白 <multicol cols=2 gutter=100> text text text... </multicol> 例子 <multicol width=#> ... </multicol> #=列的寬度 <multicol cols=2 width=400> text text text... </multicol> 例子 其它 塊引用(Blockquote) <blockquote>...</blockquote> Her Song: <blockquote> When I was young, I listened to the radio waiting for my favorite songs.... </blockquote> Her Song: When I was young, I listened to the radio waiting for my favorite songs.... 閃爍<blink>...</blink> <BLINK> 閃爍!閃爍! </BLINK> 閃爍!閃爍! 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