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SimpleXML在 PHP 5

在先前的教程您可能已閱讀, XML解析使用PHP ) (中間,充分XML解析器采用一流的,這需要噸行的代碼和額外的時間。在PHP5 ,我們可以使用簡單的XML類快速解析XML在只有兩行代碼。

我使用相同的文字作為Jubba的XML解析教程,但我可以補充一些屬性向您展示的額外權力的簡單的XML :

<description>Equipped with a Japanese Mind-control device, the giant monster has attacked important harbours along the California coast. President to take action. </description>
  <headline> Bigfoot Spotted at M.I.T. Dining Area </headline>
  <description>The beast was seen ordering a Snapple in the dining area on Tuesday. In a related story, Kirupa Chinnathambi, an MIT engineering student has been reported missing. </description>
  <headline> London Angel Saves England </headline>
  <description>The "London Angel" known only as "Kit" has saved the U.K. yet again. Reports have stated that she destroyed every single Churchill bobble-head dog in the country. A great heartfilled thank you goes out to her. </description>
  <headline> Six-eyed Man to be Wed to an Eight-armed Woman </headline>
  <description>Uhhhmmm... No comment really... just a little creepy to see them together... </description>
  <headline> Ahmed's Birthday Extravaganza! </headline>
  <description>The gifted youngster's birthday party should be a blast. He is turning thirteen and has requested a large cake, ice cream, and a petting zoo complete with pony rides. </description>


//Since we're already using PHP5, why don't we exploit their easy to use file_get_contents() command?
$xmlFileData = file_get_contents(“input.xml”);
//Here's our Simple XML parser!
$xmlData = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlFileData);
//And here's the output.

SimpleXMLElement Object (
 [story] => Array (
  [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
   [headline] => Godzilla Attacks LA!
   [description] => Equipped with a Japanese Mind-control device, the giant monster has attacked important harbours along the California coast. President to take action.
  [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
   [headline] => Bigfoot Spotted at M.I.T. Dining Area
   [description] => The beast was seen ordering a Snapple in the dining area on Tuesday. In a related story, Kirupa Chinnathambi, an MIT engineering student has been reported missing.
  [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
   [headline] => London Angel Saves England
   [description] => The "London Angel" known only as "Kit" has saved the U.K. yet again. Reports have stated that she destroyed every single Churchill bobble-head dog in the country. A great heartfilled thank you goes out to her.
  [3] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
   [headline] => Six-eyed Man to be Wed to an Eight-armed Woman
   [description] => Uhhhmmm... No comment really... just a little creepy to see them together...
  [4] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
   [headline] => Ahmed's Birthday Extravaganza!
   [description] => The gifted youngster's birthday party should be a blast. He is turning thirteen and has requested a large cake, ice cream, and a petting zoo complete with pony rides.


//Retrieving the headline from the first story
$xmlHeadline = $xmlData->story[0]->headline;
//Printing our first headline


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <headline date=”January 19, 2005”> Godzilla Attacks LA! </headline>
  <description>Equipped with a Japanese Mind-control device, the giant monster has attacked important harbours along the California coast. President to take action. </description>
  <headline date=”February 14, 2006”> Bigfoot Spotted at M.I.T. Dining Area </headline>
  <description>The beast was seen ordering a Snapple in the dining area on Tuesday. In a related story, Kirupa Chinnathambi, an MIT engineering student has been reported missing. </description>
  <headline date=”May 27, 2006”> London Angel Saves England </headline>
  <description>The "London Angel" known only as "Kit" has saved the U.K. yet again. Reports have stated that she destroyed every single Churchill bobble-head dog in the country. A great heartfilled thank you goes out to her. </description>
  <headline date=”June 3, 2006”> Six-eyed Man to be Wed to an Eight-armed Woman </headline>
  <description>Uhhhmmm... No comment really... just a little creepy to see them together... </description>
  <headline date=”July 28, 2006”> Ahmed's Birthday Extravaganza! </headline>
  <description>The gifted youngster's birthday party should be a blast. He is turning thirteen and has requested a large cake, ice cream, and a petting zoo complete with pony rides. </description>


//Outputing all of our XML to people
foreach($xmlData->story as $story) {
 print(“<h2>” . $story->headline . “</h2><br />”);
 print($story->description . “<br />_________________________<br />”);
 print($story->headline["date"] . “<br /><br />”);

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