
 萬盛學電腦網 >> 服務器教程 >> telnet 服務器的25端口不通(無法發送郵件)的解決辦法

telnet 服務器的25端口不通(無法發送郵件)的解決辦法


步驟一:檢查172.1.1.208 25端口是否開啟,檢查後已經開啟 

步驟二:其他服務器訪問172.1.1.208 25端口是否能訪問:用我自己的電腦訪問可以訪問 


步驟三:測試同一網段其他的機器能否訪問,在同一網段其他服務器可以訪問172.1.1.208 25端口,說明不是網段的問題 

步驟四:測試172.1.1.171是否可以連通172.1.1.208 服務器,ping命令運行是通的。 



You web application is not able to reach the SMTP Host using Port = 25. 

Possible Reasons=E2=80=A6 

1. If Web Server itself relays the email check for SMTP service = under=20 Services and as well as under IIS. 

2. If Email Relay server is different make sure your web server is = able to=20 reach it (by pinging). 

2a. Verify with admin, whether Port 25 is open. 

3. Check Firewall (software or firewall server) on your server (to = allow=20 outgoing connection) 

4. Check firewall (software or firewall server) on Relay server (to = accept=20 incoming connection from your server). 

5. Check the Virus Scanne

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