SQL MID() 使用實例教程
mid( )函數
mid( )函數是用來提取字符的文本字段。
數據庫mid( )語法
SELECT MID(column_name,start[,length]) FROM table_name
ParameterDescriptioncolumn_nameRequired. The field to extract characters from.startRequired. Specifies the starting position (starts at 1).lengthOptional. The number of characters to return. If omitted, the MID() function returns the rest of the text.
LastNameFirstNameAddressCity1HansenOlaTimoteivn 10Sandnes2SvendsonToveBorgvn 23Sandnes3PettersenKariStorgt 20Stavanger
我們使用下面的SELECT語句:SELECT MID(City,1,4) as SmallCity FROM Persons結果.SmallCitySandSandStav