1 2 3 4 5 block_name{ statement1 statement2 .......... }在這裡,將學習如何通過使用一個簡單的 yield 語句調用塊。還將學習使用yield語句具有參數調用塊。將檢查的示例代碼,這兩種類型的 yield 語句。
yield 語句:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #!/usr/bin/ruby def test puts "You are in the method" yield puts "You are again back to the method" yield end test {puts "You are in the block"}這將產生以下結果:
1 2 3 4 You are in the method You are in the block You are again back to the method You are in the block也可以通過參數與屈服聲明。下面是一個例子:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #!/usr/bin/ruby def test yield 5 puts "You are in the method test" yield 100 end test {|i| puts "You are in the block #{i}"}這將產生以下結果:
1 2 3 You are in the block 5 You are in the method test You are in the block 100這裡的 yield 語句寫到後面跟著參數。甚至可以傳遞多個參數。在該塊中放置在兩條垂直線之間的變量(| |)接收的參數。因此,在上面的代碼中,yield5語句將試塊作為一個參數值5。
1 test {|i| puts "You are in the block #{i}"}在這裡,在變量i中的值為5。現在遵守以下 puts 語句:
1 puts "You are in the block #{i}"puts 語句的輸出是:
1 You are in the block 5如果想超過一個參數,然後yield語句就變成了:
1 yield a, b那麼塊是:
1 test {|a, b| statement}這些參數將用逗號隔開。
1 2 3 4 5 6 #!/usr/bin/ruby def test yield end test{ puts "Hello world"}這個例子是最簡單的方式來實現一個塊。調用塊 test 使用yield語句。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #!/usr/bin/ruby def test(&block) block.call end test { puts "Hello World!"} This will produce following result: Hello World!BEGIN 和 END 塊
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 #!/usr/bin/ruby BEGIN { # BEGIN block code puts "BEGIN code block" } END { # END block code puts "END code block" } # MAIN block code puts "MAIN code block"一個程序可能包括多個BEGIN和END塊。 BEGIN塊以遇到它們的順序執行。 END塊以相反的順序執行。上述程序執行時,會產生以下結果:
1 2 3 BEGIN code block MAIN code block END code block