
 萬盛學電腦網 >> 網絡基礎知識 >> 國際貿易、國際運輸、海運附加費常用術語及縮略語



縮寫 全稱 中文意思

AWB air waybill 空運提單
/W All Water 全水路
ANER Asia NorthAmerica Eastbound Rate 亞洲北美東行運費協定
B/L Bill of Lading 海運提單
B/R Buying Rate 買價
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To 運費、保險費付至目的地
CPT Carriage Paid To 運費付至目的地
C.O.D. Cash On Delivery 貨到付款
C/O Certificate of Origin 產地證(原產地證明)
CFS/CFS CFS to CFS 散裝交貨(起點/終點)
C.C. Collect 運費到付
COMM Commodity 商品
C/(CNEE) Consignee 收貨人
CTNR Container 櫃子
CFS Container Freight Station 散貨倉庫
C/T Container Terminal 集裝箱碼頭
C.Y. Container Yard 貨櫃場
C&F Cost and Freight 成本加海運費
CFR Cost and Freight 成本加海運費 (同C&F)
CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight 成本,保險加海運費
CHB Customs House Broker 報關行
CY/CY CY to CY 整櫃交貨(起點/終點)
DAF Delivered At Frontier 邊境交貨
DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完稅後交貨
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完稅交貨
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay 目的港碼頭交貨
DES Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交貨
D/O Delivery Order 到港通知
DDC Destination Delivery Charge 目的港碼頭費
D/A Document Against Acceptance 承兌交單
D/P Document Against Payment 付款交單
Doc# Document Number 文件號碼
DPV duty-paid value 完稅價格
EDI Electronic Data Interchange 電子數據交換
ETA estimated time of arrival 預計到達日期
ETD estimated time of departure 預計出發日期
EXW Ex Work 工廠交貨
FAQ fair average quality 良好平均品質
FMC Federal Maritime Commission 聯邦海事委員會
Feeder Vessel 駁船航次
Form A Form A 產地證(用於出口美國的貨物)
FEU Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40’ 40‘櫃型
FAS Free Alongside Ship 裝運港船邊交貨
FCA Free Carrier 貨交承運人
FOB Free On Board 船上交貨
FAK Freight All Kind 各種貨品
F/F Freight Forwarder 貨運代理
FCL Full Container Load 整櫃
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 關稅及貿易總協定
G.A. general average 共同海損
GSP generalized system of preferences 普遍優惠制
H/C Handling Charge 代理費
HBL House B/L 子提單/無船承運人提單
IA Independent Action 各別調價
I/S Inside Sales 內銷售
Land Bridge Land Bridge 陸橋
LCL Less Than Container Load 拼櫃
L/C Letter of Credit 信用證
L/G letter of guarantee 擔保書,保證書
MB/L Master Bill Of Loading 主提單 (船公司簽發)
M.R. (M/R) Mate‘s Receipt 大副收據
M/T Measurement Ton 尺碼噸(即貨物收費以尺碼計費)
MLB Minni Land Bridge 小陸橋,自一港到另一港口
Mother Vessel 主線船
MTD Multimodal Transport Document 多式聯運單據
MTO Multimodal Transport Operator 多式聯運經營人
N/M No Mark 無唛頭
NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier 無船公共承運人
N/F Notify 通知人
OBL Ocean (or original )B/L 海運提單
O/F Ocean Freight 海運費
OP Operation 操作
OCP Overland Continental Point 內陸共同點
P.A. Particular Average 單獨海損
POD Port Of Destination 目地港
POL Port Of Loading 裝運港
P.P. Prepaid 預付
S/C Sales Contract 售貨合同
S/R Selling Rate 賣價
SC Service Contract 服務合同
S/(Shpr) Shipper 發貨人
S/O Shipping Order 裝貨指示書
SSL Steam Ship Line 船公司
TVC/ TVR Time Volume Contract/ Rate 定期定量合同
TTL Total 總共
T.L. Total Loss 全損
T/T Transit Time 航程
T/S Trans-Ship 轉船,轉運
TEU Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20’ 20‘櫃型
VAT Value Add Tax 增值稅
VOCC Vessel Operating Common Carrier 船公司(有船公共承運人)
W.R.I. War Risk Insurance 戰爭險

W/M Weight or Measurement ton 即以重量噸或者尺碼噸中從高收費
W/T Weight Ton 重量噸(即貨物收費以重量計費)
Ex Work/ExFactory 工廠交貨

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